We listen to all of our pupils and encourage them to approach us with any concerns. Pupils are guided to communicate using appropriate methods, suitable to them. We encourage pupils with any concerns, to identify an appropriate or trusted adult to confide in.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff at The Nest. Staff complete regular training sessions to ensure that it remains at the heart of everything we do.
The Nest team work with local agencies to enhance the pupils knowledge regarding keeping themselves safe. These agencies include the Youth Offending Service, PCSO's and the Violence Reduction Unit. Through our PHSE lessons we are able to inform and educate our students about a range of potential risks they may face.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Liam Barlow. Liam can be contacted on 07990034611 or at Liam@thenestschool.co.uk
In his absence any safeguarding concerns should be reported to our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.
Claire Baranowski on 07586694793 or at Claire2@thenestschool.co.uk
Clare Browne on 07990034310 or at Clare@thenestschool.co.uk
Ben Price on 07586694790 or at Ben@thenestschool.co.uk
The Nest
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